Join the March

If you want to do something big to change how Crohn’s and colitis are treated in NZ, this is it.


On the 2nd of December 2020 we will be marching to Parliament to present our #wecantwait petition.

The petition has over 30,000 supporters.


Join our Facebook event to keep updated with any progress.


We will be starting at The Civic Square at 10.45am.  We will rally here and start our march at 11.30am.

Our route will head towards Mercer Street and we will stop outside Pharmac where we will observe 3 minutes of silence.

We will then continue towards Lambton Quay and the Parliament buildings.

Don't worry if you aren't able to walk far. We will be stopping for a regroup at the Cenotaph (Cnr Lambton Quay and Te Araroa Tri) and you can join or re-join us here.

We will then walk a short distance to the Seddon Statue on the grounds of Parliament.

It is here that the petition will be accepted by David Seymour, leader of the ACT party at 1pm. Speeches will follow.


Please make sure you bring a water bottle with you and perhaps a snack... and if of course it is raining please bring an umbrella.  Please don’t forget to also bring a mask!

We will only have one big march, one chance to make a difference.



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